In today’s highly regulated workplace, both employers and employees must understand their respective duties and responsibilities. Employment disputes impact performance and productivity for you and your business. For your business to succeed, you must always strive for a safe and productive workplace. We want to work with you to meet your business goals and objectives.
We also assist individual employees. Employment contracts, covenants not to compete, and confidentiality agreements present special challenges for employees. If you’re a business executive, manager or health care professional, the terms and conditions of your individual employment contract must be negotiated and drafted carefully. Otherwise, you run the risk of compromising your future employment.
We work with both individuals and businesses in all aspects of employment law and have years of experience in each of the following areas:
Employment contracts
Covenants not to compete
Confidentiality agreements
Non-disclosure agreements
Personnel Manuals
Wage and Hour claims
Wrongful discharge claims
Hiring and termination practices
Retaliation claims
Claims before the EEOC and the N.C. Department of Labor
Employment litigation in both state and federal courts.
Please contact the following attorneys to assist with these matters:

Dunn, Pittman, Skinner & Cushman, PLLC
3230 Country Club Road | New Bern, NC 28562
Email: info@dunnpittman.com
Tel: 252.633.3800 | Fax: 252.633.6669
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: